State Associations
Providing dynamic market data, education and resources to equip our 27 endorsing partners.

Qualivis was founded in 2002, in conjunction with the South Carolina Hospital Association and a Duke Endowment Grant, offering the first version of what is now known as an MSP. We are endorsed by 27 state hospital associations and nurse leadership organizations who receive a portion of the income generated when member hospitals use Qualivis for their staffing.
These organizations reinvest it in healthcare education and supporting the health of their local communities.
What We Offer
Qualivis is the only vendor-accountable managed service provider created by hospitals for hospitals. Partnering with agencies that represent more than 80% staffing market share, we offer workforce solutions to optimize healthcare staffing and build a stronger, more sustainable workforce.

By joining the qualivis program, you can:

Healthcare staffing has never been more challenging. By continuously innovating, Qualivis can promptly respond to the evolving healthcare staffing demands and market dynamics. Qualivis meets the needs of healthcare organizations by introducing new tech-driven solutions, ensuring that these organizations can fulfill their workforce requirements in the most cost-effective and efficient way.
Qualivis is the top, non-dues source of revenue in most of our partnering state hospital and healthcare associations. Our unique revenue sharing model provides funds that can support your programs and reduce pressure on membership dues.
Supplemental staffing can create a pipeline to permanent hires with no hiring fee after a completed assignment.
Qualivis provides training, expert technical support and materials to facilitate startup of a workforce solutions program.